JUNE, 1930
4. THE
5. THE
8. HOW
12. BLOW
14 THE
15 THE
This volume is written in the fervent hope that it
will confirm and establish faith in God’s Word, which through the ages
has been preserved inviolate. In these days when faith is weakening and
the Bible is being torn apart, it is vital that we enter into fields
which can yield up their evidence of how God, through the centuries,
intervened to transmit to us a perfect Bible.
Much of the material given in this book was collected
in response to the needs of the author’s classroom work. In pursuing
this line of study, he has been astounded and thrilled to find in
historical situations, where he least expected it, evidences of special
intervention and special purposes of God with regard to His Holy Word.
His faith in the inspiration of the Bible has been deeply strengthened
as he has perceived how down through the ages God’s true Bible has
constantly triumphed over erroneous versions.
With regard to the different versions, it is
necessary, while confirming the glorious inspiration of the Bible, to
warn the people against Bibles which include false books, and,
especially at the present time, against the dangers of false readings in
genuine books. There are versions of the Bible, prepared by men of
scholarship, with certain books and readings we cannot accept. Such
versions may be of use for reference or comparison. In certain passages,
they may give a clearer rendering. But it is unthinkable that those who
use such versions would be unwilling to have the public informed of
their dangers.
This work has been written under great pressure. In
addition to the author’s tasks in the Theological Department of the
College, and his evangelical work as pastor of a city church, he wrote
this book in response to urgent requests. It may be possible that there
are a few technical mistakes. The author has strong confidence, however,
that the main lines of argument are timely, and that they stand on a
firm foundation. It is possible to know what is the true Word of God.
The author sends forth this book with a fervent prayer that it may aid
the earnest seeker after truth to find the answer to this all-important
Takoma Park, D.C.,
June, 1930.
"There is the idea in the minds of some people that scholarship
demands the laying aside of the Authorized Version of the Bible and
taking up the latest Revised Version. This is an idea, however, without
any proper bases. This Revised Version is in large part in line with
what is known as modernism, and is peculiarly acceptable to those who
think that any change, anywhere or in anything, is progress. Those who
have really investigated the matter, and are in hearty sympathy with
what is evangelical, realize that this Revised Version is a part of the
movement to ‘modernize’ Christian thought and faith and do away with
the established truth." The Herald and Presbyter (Presbyterian),
July 16, 1924, p. 10.
IN ONE of our prominent publications, there appeared in the winter of
1928, an article entitled, "Who Killed Goliath?" and in the
spring of 1929, an article named, "The Dispute About Goliath."
Attention was called to the fact that in the American Revised Version, 2
Samuel 21:19, we read that Elhanan killed Goliath. A special
cablegram from the "most learned and devout scholars" of the
Church of England, said in substance, that the Revised Version was
correct, that Elhanan and not David killed Goliath; that there were many
other things in the Bible which were the product of exaggeration, such
as the story of Noah and the ark, of Jonah and the whale, of the Garden
of Eden, and of the longevity of Methuselah. The first article says that
these modern views have been held and taught in practically all American
theological seminaries of standing, and that young ministers being
graduated from them, have rejected the old beliefs about these events
whether the public knew it or not. This publication aroused a national
interest and its office was "inundated," as the editor says,
with letters as to whether this Revised Version is correct, or whether,
as we have always believed, according to the Authorized Version, David
killed Goliath. fa1
Is the American Revised Version correct on this point, or is the
Bible, which has led the Protestant world for three hundred years,
correct? Is the Revised Version correct in thousands of other changes
made, or is the King James Version correct?
Back of this and other changes lie the motives and events which, in
1870, brought into existence the Committees which produced the Revised
Versions — both the English and the American. During the three hundred
and fifty years following the Reformation, repeated attempts were made
to set aside the Greek New Testament, called the Received Text, from
which the New Testament of the King James in English and other
Protestant Bibles in other languages were translated.
Many individual efforts produced different Greek New Testaments.
Likewise furious attacks were made upon the Old Testament in Hebrew,
from which the King James and other Bibles had been translated. None of
these assaults, however, met with any marked success until the Revision
Committee was appointed by the southern half of the Church of England
under the Archbishop of Canterbury, — although the same church in the
northern half of England under the Archbishop of York, refused to be a
party to the project.
This Revision Committee, besides the changes in the Old Testament,
made over 5000 changes in the Received Text of the New Testament and so
produced a new Greek New Testament. This permitted all the forces
hostile to the Bible to gather themselves together and pour through the
breach. Since then, the flood gates have been opened and we are now
deluged with many different kinds of Greek New Testaments and with
English Bibles translated from them, changed and mutilated in
bewildering confusion.
Again, in the story of the dark hour when Jesus hung on the cross,
the King James Bible declares that the darkness which was over the whole
land from the sixth to the ninth hour was produced because the sun
was darkened. This reason offers the Christian believer a testimony
of the miraculous interposition of the Father in behalf of His son,
similar to the darkness which afflicted Egypt in the plagues upon that
In the New Testament, as translated by Moffatt and certain other
modern Bibles, we are told that the darkness was caused by an eclipse
of the sun. Of course, a darkness caused by an eclipse of the sun is
very ordinary; it is not a miracle. Moreover, Christ was crucified at
the time of the Passover which always occurred when the moon was full.
At the time of a full moon, no eclipse of the sun is possible. Now which
of these two records in Greek did God write: the miraculous, as recorded
in the King James Bible and which we have believed for three hundred
years; or the unnatural and impossible, as recorded in Moffatt’s
translation? Moffatt and the Revisers both used the same manuscript.
Some of those who had part in these Revised and Modern Bibles were
higher critics of the most pronounced type. At least one man sat on the
Revision Committee of 1881 who had openly and in writing denied the
divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this account, their
chairman of high standing absented himself almost from the first.fa2
Also, men sat on the Revision Committee who, openly and in a
critical hour when their word was of weight, had defended the great
movement to Romanize the Church of England.
It is too late to beguile us with soothing words that all versions
and all translations are of equal value; that nowhere is doctrine
affected. Doctrine is seriously affected. So wrote Dr. G. V. Smith, a
member of the English New Testament Revision Committee:
"Since the publication of the revised New Testament, it has been
frequently said that the changes of translation which the work contains
are of little importance from a doctrinal point of view... To the
writer, any such statement appears to be in the most substantial sense
contrary to the facts of the case."
Life is bigger than logic. When it comes to the philosophy of life,
scholarship and science are not the all which counts. It is as true
to-day as in the days of Christ, that "the common people heard him
gladly." If it be a question of physics, of chemistry, of
mathematics, or of mechanics, there, scientists can speak with
authority. But when it is a question of revelation, of spirituality, or
of morality, the common people are as competent judges as are the
product of the schools. And in great crises, history has frequently
shown that they were safer.
Experience also determines issues. There are those among us now who
would change the Constitution of the United States, saying: "Have
we not men to-day who have as great intellect as Washington, Adams,
Jefferson, and the others? Have we not much more light than they? Why
must we be tied to what they taught?" We will not deny that there
are men now living as brilliant as the founding fathers. But no men
to-day ever went through the same experience as the framers of the
Constitution. Those pioneers were yet witnesses of the vicious
principles of the Dark Ages and their cruel results. They were called
upon to suffer, to endure, to fight, that principles of a different
nature might be established. Experience, not reading or philosophizing,
had thoroughly wrought in them the glorious ideals incorporated into the
fundamental document of the land.
Experience can throw some light also upon the relative value of Bible
Versions. The King James Bible was translated when England was fighting
her way out from Catholicism to Protestantism; whereas, the Revised
Version was born after fifty years (1833–1883) of terrific Romanizing
campaigns, when one convulsion after another rocked the mental defenses
of England and broke down the ascendancy of the Protestant mentality in
that empire. The King James Version was born of the Reformation; the
Revised Versions and some modern Bibles were born of Higher Criticism
and Romanizing activities, as this treatise will show.
We hear a great deal to-day about the Sunday Law of the Roman Emperor
Constantine, 321 A.D. Why is it that we do not hear about the corrupt
Bible which Constantine adopted and promulgated, the version which for
1800 years has been exploited by the forces of heresy and apostasy? This
Bible, we regret to say, lies at the bottom of many versions which now
flood the publishing houses, the schools, the churches, yes, many homes,
and are bringing confusion and doubt to untold millions.
Down through the centuries, the pure Bible, the living Word of God,
has often faced the descendants of this corrupt Version, robed in
splendor and seated on the throne of power. It has been a battle and a
march, a battle and a march. God’s Holy Word has always won; to its
victories we owe the very existence of Christian civilization and all
the happiness we now have and hope for in eternity. And now, once again,
in these last days, the battle is being renewed, the affections and the
control of the minds of men are being contended for by these two rival
Devotion to error can never produce true righteousness. Out of the
present confusion of Bibles, I propose to trace the situation back to
its origin, that our hearts may be full of praise and gratitude to God
for the marvelous manner in which He has given to us and preserved for
us the Holy Scriptures.
For the present, the problem revolves mostly around the thousands of
different readings in the Greek New Testament manuscripts. By the time
of Christ, the Old Testament was in a settled condition. Since then, the
Hebrew Scriptures had been carried down intact to the day of printing
(about 1450 A.D.) by the unrivalled methods of the Jews in transmitting
perfect Hebrew manuscripts.
Whatever perplexing problems there are in connection with the Old
Testament, these have largely been produced by translating it into Greek
and uniting that translation to the Greek New Testament. It is around
the problems of the Greek New Testament that the battle for centuries
has been fought. We must, therefore, confine ourselves largely to the
Christian Era; for the experience which befell the New Testament and the
controversies that raged around it, also befell the Old Testament.
Moreover, the Revisers, themselves, would have no one think for an
instant that they used any other MSS. in revising the Old Testament than
the Massoretic text, the only reliable Hebrew Bible. Dr. Ellicott,
chairman of the English New Testament Committee, repeatedly recommends
the story of the Old Testament Revision by Dr. Chambers.
Dr. Chambers says:—-
"The more sober critics with one consent hold fast the
Massoretic text. This has been the rule with the authors of the present
revision. Their work is based throughout upon the traditional Hebrew. In
difficult or doubtful places, where some corruption seems to have crept
in or some accident to have befallen the manuscript, the testimony of
the early versions is given in the margin, but never incorporated with
the text."fa4
Inspired by the unerring Spirit of God, chosen men brought forth the
different books of the New Testament, these originally being written in
Greek. For a few years, under the guidance of the noble apostles,
believers in Christ were privileged to have the unadulterated Word of
God. But soon the scene changed; the fury of Satan, robbed of further
opportunity to harass the Son of God, turned upon the written Word.
Heretical sects, warring for supremacy, corrupted the manuscripts in
order to further their ends. "Epiphanius, in his polemic treatise
the ‘Panarion,’ describes not less than eighty heretical parties.
"fa5 The Roman Catholics won.
The true church fled into the wilderness, taking pure manuscripts with
When the apostle Paul foretold the coming of the great apostasy in
his sermon and later in his epistle to the Thessalonians, he declared
that there would "come a falling away," 2 Thessalonians
2:3; and then he added that the "mystery of iniquity doth
already work." 2 Thessalonians 2:7. Later when he had
gathered together, on his journey to Jerusalem, the bishops, those who
were over the church of Ephesus, he said, "Of your own selves shall
men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased
not to warn every one night and day with tears." Acts 20:30, 31.
Though there are many important events in the life of the great
apostle which have been left unrecorded, the Holy Spirit deemed it of
high importance to put on record this prophecy, to warn us that even
from among the elders or bishops there would arise perverse leadership.
This prophecy would be fulfilled, — was fulfilled. Until we sense the
importance of this great prediction of the Holy Spirit and come to
recognized its colossal fulfillment, the Bible must in many things
remain a sealed book.
When Paul was warned of the coming apostasy, he aroused the
Thessalonians not to be soon shaken or troubled in spirit "by
letter as from us." 2 Thessalonians 2:2. It would have been
bold at any time to write a letter to a church and sign to it the
apostle’s name. But how daring must have been that iniquity which
would commit that forgery even while the apostle was yet alive! Even in
Paul’s day, the apostasy was built on lawless acts.
Later in his labors, Paul specifically pointed out three ways in
which the apostasy was working;
1, by exalting man’s knowledge above the Bible;
2, by spiritualizing the Scriptures away; and lastly,
3, by substituting philosophy for revelation.
Of the first of these dangers we read as follows: "O Timothy,
keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain
babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called." 1
Timothy 7:20.
The Greek word in this verse which is translated "science"
is "gnosis." "Gnosis" means knowledge. The apostle
condemned, not knowledge in general, but false knowledge. False teachers
were placing their own interpretations on Christian truth by reading
into it human ideas. This tendency grew and increased until a great
system bearing the name of Christianity, known as Gnosticism, was
established. To show that this religion was not a theory without an
organization among men, but that it had communities and was widespread,
I quote from Milman:
"The later Gnostics were bolder, but more consistent innovators
on the simple scheme of Christianity... In all the great cities of the
East in which Christianity had established its most flourishing
communities, sprang up this rival which aspired to a still higher degree
of knowledge than was revealed in the Gospel, and boasted that it soared
almost as much above the vulgar Christianity as the vulgar paganism.
The mysterious theories of these Gnostics have reappeared in the
works of theologians of our day. The following words from the Americana,
will prove the tendency of this doctrine to break out in our times.
Note the place of "aeons" in their system:
"There have been no Gnostic sects since the fifth century; but
many of the principles of their system of emanations reappear in later
philosophical systems, drawn from the same sources as theirs. Plato’s
lively representation had given to the idea of the Godhead, something
substantial, which the Gnostics transferred to their aeons. "fa7
In fact, the aeons system has found a treatment in the Revised
Bishop Westcott who was one of the dominating minds of the English
New Testament Revision Committee advocates that the Revised New
Testament be read in the light of the modern aeon theories of the
Revisers. He comments thus on the revised reading of Ephesians 3:21:
"Some perhaps are even led to pause on the wonderful phrase in
Ephesians 3:21, margin, ‘for all the generations of the age of the
ages,’ which is represented in English (A. V.) by ‘to all
generations forever and ever;’ and to reflect on the vision so open of
a vast aeon of the which the elements are aeons unfolding, as it were,
stage after stage, the manifold powers of one life fulfilled in many
ways, each aeon the child (so to speak) of that which has gone before.
J. H. Newman, the Oxford divine, who was made a Cardinal after he had
left the church of England for the Church of Rome, and whose doctrines,
in whole or in part, were adopted by the majority of the Revisers, did
more to influence the religion of the British Empire than any other man
since the Reformation. He was invited to sit on the Revision Committee.
Dr. S. Parkes Cadman speaks thus, referring to his Gnosticism:
"From the fathers, Newman also derived a speculative angelology
which described the unseen universe as inhabited by hosts of
intermediate beings who were spiritual agents between God and
creation... Indeed, Newman’s cosmogony was essentially Gnostic, and
echoed the teachings of Cerinthus, who is best entitled to be considered
as the link between the Judaizing and Gnostic sects. "fa9
The following quotation from a magazine of authority gives a
description of this modern species of Gnosticism which shows its
Romanizing tendency. It also reveals how Bishop Westcott could hold this
philosophy, while it names Dr. Philip Schaff, President of both American
Committees of Revision, as even more an apostle of this modern
"The roads which lead to Rome are very numerous... Another road,
less frequented and less obvious, but not less dangerous, is the
philosophical. There is a strong affinity between the speculative system
of development, according to which every thing that is, is true and
rational, and the Romish idea of a self-evolving infallible church... No
one can read the exhibitions of the Church and of theology written even
by Protestants under the influence of the speculative philosophy,
without seeing that little more than a change of terminology is required
to turn such philosophy into Romanism. Many distinguished men have
already in Germany passed, by this bridge, from philosophical skepticism
to the Romish Church. A distinct class of the Romanizing portion of the
Church of England belongs to this philosophical category. Dr. Nevin had
entered this path long before Dr. Schaff came from Germany to point it
out to him."fa10
The next outstanding phase of the coming apostasy, — spiritualizing
the Scriptures away, — is predicted by the apostle:
"But shun profane and vain babblings; for they will increase
unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom
is Hymenaeus and Philetus; who concerning the truth have erred, saying
that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of
some." 2 Timothy 2:16-18.
The Bible teaches the resurrection as a future event. One way these
prominent teachers, full of vanity, could say that it was past, was to
teach, as some of their descendants do to-day, that the resurrection is
a spiritual process which takes place, say, at conversion. The
prediction of the apostle was fulfilled in a great system of Bible
spiritualizing or mystifying which subverted the primitive faith.
Turning the Scriptures into an allegory was a passion in those days. In
our day, allegorizing is not only a passion, but is also a refuge from
truth for many leaders with whom we have to do.
The third way in which the apostasy came, was predicted by the
apostle thus:
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain
deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world,
and not after Christ." Colossians 2:8.
The philosophy condemned in this passage is not the philosophy found
in the sacred Word, but the philosophy which is "after the
tradition of men."
Even before the days of Christ, the very existence of the Jewish
religion was threatened by intellectual leaders of the Jews who were
carried away with the subtleties and glamour of pagan philosophy. This
same temptress quickly ensnared multitudes who bore the name of
"Greek philosophy exercised the greatest influence not only on
the Christian mode of thought, but also through that on the institutions
of the Church. In the completed church we find again the philosophic
The greatest enemies of the infant Christian church, therefore, were
not found in the triumphant heathenism which filled the world, but in
the rising flood of heresy which, under the name of Christianity,
engulfed the truth for many years. This is what brought on the Dark
Ages. This rising flood, as we shall see, had multiplied in abundance
copies of the Scriptures with bewildering changes in verses and passages
within one hundred years after the death of John (100 A. D.).
As Irenaeus said concerning Marcion, the Gnostic:
"Wherefore also Marcion and his followers have betaken
themselves to mutilating the Scriptures, not acknowledging some books at
all; and, curtailing the Gospel according to Luke, and the epistles of
Paul, they assert that these alone are authentic, which they have
themselves shortened. "fa12
Anyone who is interested enough to read the vast volume of literature
on this subject, will agree that down through the centuries there were
only two streams of manuscripts.
The first stream which carried the Received Text in Hebrew and Greek,
began with the apostolic churches, and reappearing at intervals down the
Christian Era among enlightened believers, was protected by the wisdom
and scholarship of the pure church in her different phases; by such as
the church at Pella in Palestine where Christians fled, when in 70 A. D.
the Romans destroyed Jerusalemfa13;
by the Syrian Church of Antioch which produced eminent scholarship; by
the Italic Church in northern Italy; and also at the same time by the
Gallic Church in southern France and by the Celtic Church in Great
Britain; by the pre-Waldensian, the Waldensian, and the churches of the
This first stream appears, with very little change, in the Protestant
Bibles of many languages, and in English, in that Bible known as the
King James Version, the one which has been in use for three hundred
years in the English speaking world. These MSS. have in agreement with
them, by far the vast majority of numbers. So vast is this majority that
the enemies of the received Text admit that nineteen-twentieths and some
ninety-nine one-hundredths of all Greek MSS. are of this class; while
one hundred per cent of the Hebrew MSS. are for the Received Text.
The second stream is a small one of a very few manuscripts. These
last MSS. are represented:
(a) In Greek: — The Vatican MS., or Codex B, in the
library at Rome; and the Sinaitic, or Codex Aleph (#), its brother. We
will fully explain about these two MSS. later.
(b) In Latin: — The Vulgate or Latin Bible of Jerome.
(c) In English: — The Jesuit Bible of 1582, which later
with vast changes is seen in the Douay, or Catholic Bible.
(d) In English again: — In many modern Bibles which
introduce practically all the Catholic readings of the Latin Vulgate
which were rejected by the Protestants of the Reformation; among these,
prominently, are the Revised Versions.
So the present controversy between the King James Bible in English
and the modern versions is the same old contest fought out between the
early church and rival sects; later between the Waldenses and the
Papists from the fourth to the thirteenth centuries; and later still,
between the Reformers and the Jesuits in the sixteenth century.
In his later years, the apostle Paul spent more time in preparing the
churches for the great future apostasy than in pushing the work farther
on. He foresaw that this apostasy would arise in the west. Therefore, he
spent years laboring to anchor the Gentile churches of Europe to the
churches of Judea.
The Jewish Christians had back of them 1500 years of training.
Throughout the centuries God had so molded the Jewish mind that it
grasped the idea of sin; of an invisible Godhead; of man’s serious
condition; of the need for a divine Redeemer. But throughout these same
centuries, the Gentile world had sunk lower and lower in frivolity,
heathenism, and debauchery.
It is worthy of notice that the apostle Paul wrote practically all of
his epistles to the Gentile churches, — to Corinth, to Rome, to
Philippi, etc. He wrote almost no letters to the Jewish Christians.
Therefore, the great burden of his closing days was to anchor the
Gentile churches of Europe to the Christian churches of Judea. In fact,
it was to secure this end that he lost his life.
"St. Paul did his best to maintain his friendship and alliance
with the Jerusalem Church. To put himself right with them, he traveled
up to Jerusalem, when fresh fields and splendid prospects were opening
up for him in the West. For this purpose he submitted to several days
restraint and attendance in the Temple, and the results vindicated his
This is how Paul used churches in Judea as a base. — "For ye,
brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in
Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own
countrymen, even as they have of the Jews." I Thess. 2:14.
"There is not a word here of the church of Rome being the model
after which the other churches were to be formed; it had no such
preeminence: — this honor belonged to the churches of Judea; it was
according to them, not the church at Rome, that the Asiatic churches
were modeled. The purest of all the apostolic churches was that of the
Thessalonians, and this was formed after the Christian churches in
Judea. Had any preeminence or authority belonged to the church of Rome,
the apostle would have proposed this as a model to all those which he
formed, either in Judea, Asia Minor, Greece, or Italy."fa15
The last of the apostles to pass away was John. His death is usually
placed about 100 A. D. In his closing days, he cooperated in the
collecting and forming of those writings we call the New Testament.fa16
An ordinary careful reading of Acts, Chapter 15, will prove the
scrupulous care with which the early church guarded her sacred writings.
And so well did God’s true people through the ages agree on what was
Scripture and what was not, that no general council of the church, until
that of Trent (1645) dominated by the Jesuits, dared to say anything as
to what books should comprise the Bible or what texts were or were not
While John lived, heresy could make no serious headway. He had hardly
passed away, however, before perverse teachers infested the Christian
Church. The doom of heathenism, as a controlling force before the
superior truths of Christianity, was soon foreseen by all. These years
were times which saw the New Testament books corrupted in abundance.
Eusebius is witness to this fact. He also relates that the corrupted
manuscripts were so prevalent that agreement between the copies was
hopeless; and that those who were corrupting the Scriptures, claimed
that they really were correcting them.fa18
When the warring sects had been consolidated under the iron hand of
Constantine, this heretical potentate adopted the Bible which combined
the contradictory versions into one, and so blended the various
corruptions with the bulk of pure teachings as to give sanction to the
great apostasy now seated on the throne of power.
Beginning shortly after the death of the apostle John, four names
stand out in prominence whose teachings contributed both to the
victorious heresy and to the final issuing of manuscripts of a corrupt
New Testament. These names are,
1, Justin Martyr,
2 , Tatian,
3, Clement of Alexandria, and
4, Origen. We shall speak first of Justin Martyr.
The year in which the apostle John died, 100 A.D., is given as the
date in which Justin Martyr was born. Justin, originally a pagan and of
pagan parentage, afterward embraced Christianity and although he is said
to have died at heathen hands for his religion, nevertheless, his
teachings were of a heretical nature. Even as a Christian teacher, he
continued to wear the robes of a pagan philosopher.
In the teachings of Justin Martyr, we begin to see how muddy the
stream of pure Christian doctrine was running among the heretical sects
fifty years after the death of the apostle John. It was in Tatian,
Justin Martyr’s pupil, that these regrettable doctrines were carried
to alarming lengths, and by his hand committed to writing. After the
death of Justin Martyr in Rome, Tatian returned to Palestine and
embraced the Gnostic heresy. This same Tatian wrote a Harmony of the
Gospels which was called the Diatessaron, meaning four in one. The
Gospels were so notoriously corrupted by his hand that in later years a
bishop of Syria, because of the errors, was obliged to throw out of his
churches no less than two hundred copies of this Diatessaron, since
church members were mistaking it for the true Gospel.fa19
We come now to Tatian’s pupil known as Clement of Alexandria, 200
A. D.fa20 He went much farther
than Tatian in that he founded a school at Alexandria which instituted
propaganda along these heretical lines. Clement expressly tells us that
he would not hand down Christian teachings, pure and unmixed, but rather
clothed with precepts of pagan philosophy. All the writings of the
outstanding heretical teachers were possessed by Clement, and he freely
quoted from their corrupted MSS. As if they were the pure words of
Scripture.fa21 His influence in
the depravation of Christianity was tremendous. But his greatest
contribution, undoubtedly, was the direction given to the studies and
activities of Origen, his famous pupil.
When we come to Origen, we speak the name of him who did the most of
all to create and give direction to the forces of apostasy down through
the centuries. It was he who mightily influenced Jerome, the editor of
the Latin Bible known as the Vulgate. Eusebius worshiped at the altar of
Origen’s teachings. He claims to have collected eight hundred of
Origen’s letters, to have used Origen’s six-column Bible, the
Hexapla, in his Biblical labors. Assisted by Pamphilus, he restored and
preserved Origen’s library.
Origen’s corrupted MSS. of the Scriptures were well arranged and
balanced with subtlety. The last one hundred years have seen much of the
so-called scholarship of European and English Christianity dominated by
the subtle and powerful influence of Origen.
Origen had so surrendered himself to the furore of turning all Bible
events into allegories that he, himself, says, "The Scriptures are
of little use to those who understand them as they are written."fa22
In order to estimate Origen rightly, we must remember that as a
pupil of Clement, he learned the teachings of the Gnostic heresy and
like his master, lightly esteemed the historical basis of the Bible. As
Schaff says, "His predilection for Plato (the pagan philosopher)
led him into many grand and fascinating errors."fa23
He made himself acquainted with the various heresies and studied
under the heathen Ammonius Saccas, founder of Neo-Platonism.
He taught that the soul existed from eternity before it inhabited the
body, and that after death, it migrated to a higher or a lower form of
life according to the deeds done in the body; and finally all would
return to the state of pure intelligence, only to begin again the same
cycle as before. He believed that the devils would be saved, and that
the stars and planets had souls, and were, like men, on trial to learn
perfection. In fact, he turned the whole law and Gospel into an
Such was the man who from his day to this has dominated the endeavors
of destructive textual critics. One of the greatest results of his life,
was that his teachings became the foundation of that system of education
called Scholasticism, which guided the colleges of Latin Europe for
nearly one thousand years during the Dark Ages.
Origenism flooded the Catholic Church through Jerome, the father of
Latin Christianity. "I love... the name of Origen," says the
most distinguished theologian of the Roman Catholic Church since 1850,
"I will not listen to the notion that so great a soul was
A final word from the learned Scrivener will indicate how early and
how deep were the corruptions of the sacred manuscripts:
"It is no less true to fact than paradoxical in sound, that the
worst corruptions to which the New Testament has ever been subjected,
originated within a hundred years after it was composed; that Irenaeus
(A. D. 150), and the African Fathers, and the whole Western, with a
portion of the Syrian Church, used far inferior manuscripts to those
employed by Stunica, or Erasmus, or Stephens thirteen centuries later,
when moulding the Textus Receptus."fa25
The basis was laid to oppose a mutilated Bible to the true one. How
these corruptions found their way down the centuries and reappear in our
revised and modern Bibles, the following pages will tell.
CONSTANTINE became emperor of Rome in 312 A.D.
A little later he embraced the Christian faith for himself and for his
empire. As this so called first Christian emperor took the reins of the
civil and spiritual world to bring about the amalgamation of paganism
and Christianity, he found three types of manuscripts, or Bibles, vying
for supremacy: the Textus Receptus or Constantinopolitan, the
Palestinian or Eusebio-Origen, and the Egyptian of Hesychius.f1
The adherents of each claimed superiority for their manuscript.
Particularly was there earnest contention between the advocates of the
Textus Receptus and those of the Eusebio-Origen text.f2
The defenders of the Textus Receptus were of the humbler class who
earnestly sought to follow the early church. The Eusebio-Origen text was
the product of the intermingling of the pure word of God and Greek
philosophy in the mind of Origen. It might be called the adaptation of
the Word of God to Gnosticism.
As the Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity, it became necessary
for him to choose which of these Bibles he would sanction. Quite
naturally he preferred the one edited by Eusebius and written by Origen,
the outstanding intellectual figure that had combined Christianity with
Gnosticism in his philosophy, even as Constantine himself was the
political genius that was seeking to unite Christianity with pagan Rome.
Constantine regarded himself as the director and guardian of this
anomalous world church, and as such he was responsible for selecting the
Bible for the great Christian centers. His predilection was for the type
of Bible whose readings would give him a basis for his imperialistic
ideas of the great state church, with ritualistic ostentation and
unlimited central power. The philosophy of Origen was well suited to
serve Constantine’s religio-political theocracy.
Eusebius was a great admirer of Origen and a deep student of his
philosophy. He had just edited the fifth column of the Hexapla which was
Origen’s Bible. Constantine chose this, and asked Eusebius to prepare
fifty copies for him. Dr. Ira M. Price refers to the transaction as
"Eusebius of Caesarea (260-340), the first church historian,
assisted by Pamphilus or vice versa, issued with all its critical marks
the fifth column of the Hexapla, with alternative readings from the
other columns, for use in Palestine. The Emperor Constantine gave orders
that fifty copies of this edition should be prepared for use in the
The Vaticanus Manuscript (Codex B) and the Sinaiticus Manuscript
(Codex Aleph #) belong to the Eusebio-Origen type, and many authorities
believe that they were actually two of the fifty copies prepared for
Constantine by Eusebius. Dr. Robertson singles out these two manuscripts
as possibly two of the fifty Constantine Bibles. He says:
"Constantine himself ordered fifty Greek Bibles from Eusebius,
Bishop of Caesarea, for the churches in Constantinople. It is quite
possible that Aleph (#) and B are two of these fifty."f4
Both these manuscripts were written in Greek, each containing the
whole Bible, we think, though parts are missing in them now. The Vatican
MS. Is in the Papal Museum at Rome; the Sinaitic MS. is in the Soviet
Museum at Moscow, Russia.
Dr. Gregory, a recent scholar in the field of manuscripts, also
thinks of them in connection with the fifty. We quote from him:
"This Manuscript (Vaticanus) is supposed, as we have seen, to
have come from the same place as the Sinaitic Manuscript. I have said
that these two show connections with each other, and that they would
suit very well as a pair of the fifty manuscripts written at Caesarea
for Constantine the Great."f5
The following quotation is given as evidence that the Sinaitic
Manuscript was the work of Origen:
"It (Sinaitic MS.) seems to have been at one time at Caesarea;
one of the correctors (probably of the seventh century) adds this note
at the end of Esdras, (Ezra): ‘This Codex was compared with a very
ancient exemplar which had been corrected by the hand of the holy martyr
Pamphilus (d. 309); which exemplar contained at the end, the
subscription in his own hand: "Taken and corrected according to the
Hexapla of Origen: Antonius compared it: I, Pamphilus, corrected
it"’... The text of Aleph (#) bears a very close resemblance to
that of B."f6
Two outstanding scholars, Burgon and Miller, thus express their
belief that in the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus MSS. we have two of the
Bibles prepared by Eusebius for the Emperor:
"Constantine applied to Eusebius for fifty handsome copies,
among which it is not improbable that the manuscripts B and Aleph (#)
were to be actually found. But even if this is not so, the Emperor would
not have selected Eusebius for the order, if that Bishop had not been in
the habit of providing copies: and Eusebius in fact carried on the work
which he had commenced under his friend Pamphilus, and in which the
latter must have followed the path pursued by Origen. Again, Jerome is
known to have resorted to this quarter."f7
Both admirers and foes of the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus Manuscripts
admit and contend that these two Codices are remarkably similar. They
are so near together as to compel one to believe that they were of
common origin. Dr. Philip Schaff says:
"The Roman editors contend, of course, for the primacy of the
Vatican against the Sinaitic MS., but admit that they are not far
Eusebius, the author of the Vaticanus, was a great admirer of Origen,
as noted above, transmitted his views, and preserved and edited his
works. Whether or not the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus were actually two of
the fifty Bibles furnished by Eusebius for Constantine, at least they
belonged to the same family as the Hexapla, the Eusebio-Origen type. So
close were the relations of Origen, Eusebius, and Jerome, that Dr.
Scrivener says:
"The readings approved by Origen, Eusebius, and Jerome should
closely agree."f9
It is evident that the so-called Christian Emperor gave to the Papacy
his indorsement of the Eusebio-Origen Bible. It was from this type of
manuscript that Jerome translated the Latin Vulgate which became the
authorized Catholic Bible for all time.
The Latin Vulgate, the Sinaiticus, the Vaticanus, the Hexapla,
Jerome, Eusebius, and Origen, are terms for ideas that are inseparable
in the minds of those who know. The type of Bible selected by
Constantine has held the dominating influence at all times in the
history of the Catholic Church. This Bible was different from the Bible
of the Waldenses, and, as a result of this difference, the Waldenses
were the object of hatred and cruel persecution, as we shall now show.
In studying this history, we shall see how it was possible for the pure
manuscripts, not only to live, but actually to gain the ascendance in
the face of powerful opposition.
Attentive observers have repeatedly been astonished at the unusual
phenomenon exhibited in the meteoric history of the Bible adopted by
Constantine. Written in Greek, it was disseminated at a time when Bibles
were scarce, owing to the unbridled fury of the pagan emperor,
Diocletian. We should naturally think that it would therefore continue
long. Such was not the case.
The echo of Diocletian’s warfare against the Christians had hardly
subsided, when Constantine assumed the imperial purple. Even so far as
Great Britain, had the rage of Diocletian penetrated. One would
naturally suppose that the Bible which had received the promotion of
Constantine, especially when disseminated by that emperor who was the
first to show favor to the religion of Jesus, would rapidly have spread
everywhere in those days when imperial favor meant everything. The truth
is, the opposite was the outcome. It flourished for a short space. The
span of one generation sufficed to see it disappear from popular use as
if it had been struck by some invisible and withering blast. We turn
with amazement to discover the reason for this phenomenon.
This chapter will show that the Textus Receptus was the Bible in
possession and use in the Greek Empire, in the countries of Syrian
Christianity, in northern Italy, in southern France, and in the British
Isles in the second century. This was a full century and more before the
Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus saw the light of day.f10
When the apostles of the Roman Catholic Church entered these
countries in later centuries they found the people using the Textus
Receptus; and it was not without difficulty and a struggle that they
were able to displace it and to substitute their Latin Vulgate. This
chapter will likewise show that the Textus Receptus belongs to the type
of these early apostolic manuscripts that were brought from Judea, and
its claim to priority over the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus will be
First of all, the Textus Receptus was the Bible of early Eastern
Christianity. Later it was adopted as the official text of the Greek
Catholic Church. There were local reasons which contributed to this
result. But, probably, far greater reasons will be found in the fact
that the Received Text had authority enough to become, either in itself
or by its translation, the Bible of the great Syrian Church; of the
Waldensian Church of northern Italy; of the Gallic Church in southern
France; and of the Celtic Church in Scotland and Ireland; as well as the
official Bible of the Greek Catholic Church. All these churches, some
earlier, some later, were in opposition to the Church of Rome and at a
time when the Received Text and these Bibles of the Constantine type
were rivals.
They, as represented in their descendants, are rivals to this day.
The Church of Rome built on the Eusebio-Origen type of Bible; these
others built on the Received Text. Therefore, because they, themselves,
believed that the Received Text was the true apostolic Bible, and
further, because the Church of Rome arrogated to itself the power to
choose a Bible which bore the marks of systematic depravation, we have
the testimony of these five churches to the authenticity and the
apostolicity of the Received Text.
The following quotation from Dr.Hort is to prove that the Received
Text was the Greek New Testament of the East. Note that Dr. Hort always
calls it the Constantinopolitan or Antiochian text:
"It is no wonder that the traditional Constantinopolitan text,
whether formally official or not, was the Antiochian text of the fourth
century. It was equally natural that the text recognized at
Constantinople should eventually become in practice the standard New
Testament of the East."f11
It was at Antioch, capital of Syria, that the believers were first
called Christians. And as time rolled on, the Syrian-speaking Christians
could be numbered by the thousands. It is generally admitted, that the
Bible was translated from the original languages into Syrian about 150
A.D.f12 This version is known as
the Peshitto (the correct or simple). This Bible even to-day generally
follows the Received Text.
One authority tells us that, —
"The Peshitto in our days is found in use amongst the
Nestorians, who have always kept it, by the Monophysites on the plains
of Syria, the Christians of St. Thomas in Malabar, and by the Maronites,
on the mountain terraces of Lebanon."f14
Having presented the fact, that the Bible of early Greek Christianity
and early Syrian Christianity was not of the Eusebio-Origen or Vaticanus
type, but the Received Text, we shall now show that the early Bible of
northern Italy, of southern France, and of Great Britain was also the
Received Text. The type of Christianity which first was favored, then
raised to leadership by Constantine was that of the Roman Papacy. But
this was not the type of Christianity that first penetrated Syria,
northern Italy, southern France, and Great Britain.f15
The ancient records of the first believers in Christ in those
parts, disclose a Christianity which is not Roman but apostolic. These
lands were first penetrated by missionaries, not from Rome, but from
Palestine and Asia Minor. And the Greek New Testament, the Received Text
they brought with them, or its translation, was of the type from which
the Protestant Bibles, as the King James in English, and the Lutheran in
German, were translated. We shall presently see that it differed greatly
from the Eusebio-Origen Greek New Testament.
Onward then pushed those heroic bands of evangelists to England, to
southern France, and northern Italy. The Mediterranean was like the
trunk of a tree with branches running out to these parts, the roots of
the tree being in Judea or Asia Minor, from whence the sap flowed
westward to fertilize the distant lands. History does not possess any
record of heroism superior to the sacrifices and sufferings of the early
Christians in the pagan West.
The first believers of ancient Britain nobly held their ground when
the pagan Anglo-Saxons descended on the land like a flood. Dean Stanley
holds it against Augustine, the missionary sent by the Pope in 596 A.D.
to convert England, that he treated with contempt the early Christian
Britons.f16 Yes, more, he connived
with the Anglo-Saxons in their frightful extermination of that pious
people. And after Augustine’s death, when those same pagan
Anglo-Saxons so terrified the papal leaders in England that they fled
back to Rome, it was the British Christians of Scotland who occupied the
forsaken fields. It is evident from this that British Christianity did
not come from Rome.
Furthermore, Dr. Adam Clarke claims that the examination of Irish
customs reveals that they have elements which were imported into Ireland
from Asia Minor by early Christians.[18 (sic)] Since Italy, France, and
Great Britain were once provinces of the Roman Empire, the first
translations of the Bible by the early Christians in those parts were
made into Latin. The early Latin translations were very dear to the
hearts of these primitive churches, and as Rome did not send any
missionaries toward the West before 250 A.D., the early Latin Bibles
were well established before these churches came into conflict with
Rome. Not only were such translations in existence long before the
Vulgate was adopted by the Papacy, and well established, but the people
for centuries refused to supplant their old Latin Bibles by the Vulgate.
"The old Latin versions were used longest by the western Christians
who would not bow to the authority of Rome — e. g., the Donatists; the
Irish in Ireland, Britain, and the Continent; the Albigenses, etc."f19
God in His wisdom had invested these Latin versions by His Providence
with a charm that outweighed the learned artificiality of Jerome’s
Vulgate. This is why they persisted through the centuries. A
characteristic often overlooked in considering versions, and one that
cannot be too greatly emphasized, needs to be pointed out in comparing
the Latin Bible of the Waldenses, of the Gauls, and of the Celts with
the later Vulgate. To bring before you the unusual charm of those Latin
Bibles, I quote from the Forum of June, 1887:
"The old Italic version into the rude Low Latin of the second
century held its own as long as Latin continued to be the language of
the people. The critical version of Jerome never displaced it, and only
replaced it when the Latin ceased to be a living language, and became
the language of the learned. The Gothic version of Ulfilas, in the same
way, held its own until the tongue in which it was written ceased to
exist. Luther’s Bible was the first genuine beginning of modern German
literature. In Germany, as in England, many critical translations have
been made, but they have fallen stillborn from the press. The reason of
these facts seems to be this:
"that the languages into which these versions were made, were
almost perfectly adapted to express the broad, generic simplicity of the
original text. Microscopic accuracy of phrase and classical nicety of
expression may be very well for the student in his closet, but they do
not represent the human and divine simplicity of the Scriptures to the
mass of those for whom the Scriptures were written. To render that, the
translator needs not only a simplicity of mind rarely to be found in
companies of learned critics, but also a language possessing in some
large measure that broad, simple, and generic character which we have
seen to belong to the Hebrew and to the Greek of the New Testament. It
was partly because the Low Latin of the second century, and the Gothic
of Ulfilas, and the rude, strong German of Luther had that character in
a remarkable degree, that they were capable of rendering the Scriptures
with a faithfulness which guaranteed their permanence."f20
For nine hundred years, we are told, the first Latin translations
held their own after the Vulgate appeared.f21
The Vulgate was born about 380 A.D. Nine hundred years later
brings us to about 1280 A.D. This accords well with the fact that at the
famous Council of Toulouse, 1229 A.D., the Pope gave orders for the most
terrible crusade to be waged against the simple Christians of southern
France and northern Italy who would not bow to his power. Cruel,
relentless, devastating, this war was waged, destroying the Bibles,
books, and every vestige of documents to tell the story of the Waldenses
and Albigenses.
Since then, some authorities speak of the Waldenses as having as
their Bible, the Vulgate. We regret to dispute these claims. But when we
consider that the Waldenses were, so to speak, in their mountain
fastnesses, on an island in the midst of a sea of nations using the
Vulgate, without doubt they knew and possessed the Vulgate; but the
Italic, the earlier Latin, was their own Bible, the one for which they
lived and suffered and died. Moreover, to the east was Constantinople,
the center of Greek Catholicism, whose Bible was the Received Text;
while a little farther east, was the noble Syrian Church which also had
the Received Text. In touch with these, northern Italy could easily
verify her text. It is very evident that the Latin Bible of early
British Christianity not only was not the Latin Bible of the Papacy,
that is, the Vulgate, but it was at such variance with the Vulgate as to
engender strife.
The following quotation from Dr. Von Dobschutz will verify these two
"When Pope Gregory found some Anglo-Saxon youths at the slave
market of Rome and perceived that in the North there was still a pagan
nation to be baptized, he sent one of his monks to England, and this
monk, who was Saint Augustine, took with him the Bible and introduced it
to the Anglo-Saxons, and one of his followers brought with him from Rome
pictures showing the Biblical history, and decorated the walls of the
church in the monastery of Wearmouth. We do not enter here into the
difficult question of the relations between this newly founded
Anglo-Saxon church and the old Iro-Scottish church. Differences of Bible
text had something to do with the pitiful struggles which arose between
the churches and ended in the devastation of the older one."f22
Famous in history among all centers of Bible knowledge and Bible
Christianity was Iona, on the little island of Hy, off the northwest
coast of Scotland. Its most historic figure was Columba. Upon this
island rock, God breathed out His Holy Spirit and from this center, to
the tribes of northern Europe. When Rome awoke to the necessity of
sending out missionaries to extend her power, she found Great Britain
and northern Europe already professing a Christianity whose origin could
be traced back through Iona to Asia Minor. About 600 A.D. Rome sent
missionaries to England and to Germany, to bring these simple Bible
Christians under her dominion, as much as to subdue the pagans. D’Aubigne
has furnished us this picture of Iona and her missions:
"D’Aubigne says that Columba esteemed the cross of Christ
higher than the royal blood which flowed in his veins, and that precious
manuscripts were brought to Iona, where a theological school was
founded and the Word was studied. ‘Erelong a missionary spirit
breathed over this ocean rock, so justly named "the light of the
Western world."’ British missionaries carried the light of the
gospel to the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Germany, yea, even into
Italy, and did more for the conversion of central Europe than the
half-enslaved Roman Church."f23
In southern France, when in 177 A.D. the Gallic Christians were
frightfully massacred by the heathen, a record of their suffering was
drawn up by the survivors and sent, not to the Pope of Rome, but to
their brethren in Asia Minor.f24 Milman
claims that the French received their Christianity from Asia Minor.
These apostolic Christians in southern France were undoubtedly those
who gave effective help in carrying the Gospel to Great Britain.f25
And as we have seen above, there was a long and bitter struggle
between the Bible of the British Christians and the Bible which was
brought later to England by the missionaries of Rome. And as there were
really only two Bibles, — the official version of Rome, and the
Received Text, — we may safely conclude that the Gallic (or French)
Bible, as well as the Celtic (or British), were the Received Text.
Neander claims, as follows, that the first Christianity in England, came
not from Rome, but from Asia Minor, probably through France:
"But the peculiarity of the later British church is evidence
against its origin from Rome; for in many ritual matters it departed
from the usage of the Romish Church, and agreed much more nearly with
the churches of Asia Minor. It withstood, for a long time, the authority
of the Romish Papacy. This circumstance would seem to indicate, that the
Britons had received their Christianity, either immediately, or through
Gaul, from Asia Minor, — a thing quite possible and easy, by means of
the commercial intercourse. The later Anglo-Saxons, who opposed the
spirit of ecclesiastical independence among the Britons, and endeavored
to establish the church supremacy of Rome, were uniformly inclined to
trace back the church establishments to a Roman origin; from which
effort many false legends as well as this might have arisen."f26
That the messengers of God who carried manuscripts from the churches
of Judea to the churches of northern Italy and so on, brought to the
forerunners of the Waldenses a Bible different from the Bible of Roman
Catholicism, I quote the following:
"The method which Allix has pursued, in his History of the
Churches of Piedmont, is to show that in the ecclesiastical history of
every century, from the fourth century, which he considers a period
early enough for the enquirer after apostolical purity of doctrine,
there are clear proofs that doctrines, unlike those which the Romish
Church holds, and conformable to the belief of the Waldensian and
Reformed Churches, were maintained by theologians of the north of Italy
down to the period, when the Waldenses first came into notice.
Consequently the opinions of the Waldenses were not new to Europe in the
eleventh or twelfth centuries, and there is nothing improbable in the
tradition, that the Subalpine Church persevered in its integrity in an
uninterrupted course from the first preaching of the Gospel in the
There are many earlier historians who agree with this view.f28
It is held that the pre-Waldensian Christians of northern Italy
could not have had doctrines purer than Rome unless their Bible was
purer than Rome’s; that is, was not of Rome’s falsified manuscripts.f29
It is inspiring to bring to life again the outstanding history of an
authority on this point. I mean Leger. This noble scholar of Waldensian
blood was the apostle of his people in the terrible massacres of 1655,
and labored intelligently to preserve their ancient records. His book,
the "General History of the Evangelical Churches of the Piedmontese
Valleys," published in French in 1669, and called
"scarce" in 1825, is the prized object of scholarly searchers.
It is my good fortune to have that very book before me. Leger, when he
calls Olivetan’s French Bible of 1537 "entire and pure,"
"I say ‘pure’ because all the ancient exemplars, which
formerly were found among the papists, were full of falsifications,
which caused Beza to say in his book on Illustrious Men, in the chapter
on the Vaudois, that one must confess it was by means of the Vaudois of
the Valleys that France today has the Bible in her own language. This
godly man, Olivetan, in the preface of his Bible, recognizes with thanks
to God, that since the time of the apostles, or their immediate
successors, the torch of the gospel has been lit among the Vaudois (or
the dwellers in the Valleys of the Alps, two terms which mean the same),
and has never since been extinguished."f30
The Waldenses of northern Italy were foremost among the primitive
Christians of Europe in their resistance to the Papacy. They not only
sustained the weight of Rome’s oppression but they were successful in
retaining the torch of truth until the Reformation took it from their
hands and held it aloft to the world. Veritably they fulfilled the
prophecy in Revelation concerning the church which fled into the
wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God. <661206>Revelation
12:6, 14. They rejected the mysterious doctrines, the hierarchal
priesthood and the worldly titles of Rome, while they clung to the
simplicity of the Bible.
The agents of the Papacy have done their utmost to calumniate their
character, to destroy the records of their noble past, and to leave no
trace of the cruel persecution they underwent. They went even farther,
— they made use of words written against ancient heresies to strike
out the name of the heretics and fill the blank space by inserting the
name of the Waldenses. Just as if, in a book written to record the
lawless deeds of some bandit, like Jesse James, his name should be
stricken out and the name of Abraham Lincoln substituted. The Jesuit
Gretser, in a book written against the heretics of the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries, put the name Waldenses at the point where he
struck out the name of these heretics.f31
Nevertheless, we greet with joy the history of their great
scholars who were ever a match for Rome.
In the fourth century, Helvidius, a great scholar of northern Italy,
accused Jerome, whom the Pope had empowered to form a Bible in Latin for
Catholicism, with using corrupt Greek manuscripts.f32
How could Helvidius have accused Jerome of employing corrupt
Greek MSS. If Helvidius had not had the pure Greek manuscripts? And so
learned and so powerful in writing and teaching was Jovinian, the pupil
of Helvidius, that it demanded three of Rome’s most famous fathers —
Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose — to unite in opposing Jovinian’s
influence. Even then, it needed the condemnation of the Pope and the
banishment of the Emperor to prevail. But Jovinian’s followers lived
on and made the way easier for Luther.
History does not afford a record of cruelty greater than that
manifested by Rome toward the Waldenses. It is impossible to write fully
the inspiring history of this persecuted people, whose origin goes back
to apostolic days and whose history is ornamented with stories of
gripping interest. Rome has obliterated the records. Dr. DeSanctis, many
years a Catholic official at Rome, some time official Censor of the
Inquisition and later a convert to Protestantism, thus reports the
conversation of a Waldensian scholar as he points out to others the
ruins of Palatine Hill, Rome:
"‘See,’ said the Waldensian, ‘a beautiful monument of
ecclesiastical antiquity. These rough materials are the ruins of the two
great Palatine libraries, one Greek and the other Latin, where the
precious manuscripts of our ancestors were collected, and which Pope
Gregory I, called the Great, caused to be burned.’"f33
The destruction of Waldensian records beginning about 600 A.D. by
Gregory I, was carried through with thoroughness by the secret agents of
the Papacy.
"It is a singular thing," says Gilly, "that the
destruction or rapine, which has been so fatal to Waldensian documents,
should have pursued them even to the place of security, to which all,
that remained, were consigned by Morland, in 1658, the library of the
University of Cambridge. The most ancient of these relics were ticketed
in seven packets, distinguished by letters of the alphabet, from A to G.
The whole of these were missing when I made inquiry for them in
There are modern writers who attempt to fix the beginning of the
Waldenses from Peter Waldo, who began his work about 1175. This is a
mistake. The historical name of this people as properly derived from the
valleys where they lived, is Vaudois. Their enemies, however, ever
sought to date their origin from Waldo. Waldo was an agent, evidently
raised up of God to combat the errors of Rome. Gilly, who made extensive
research concerning the Waldenses, pictures Waldo in his study at Lyon,
France, with associates, a committee, "like the translators of our
own Authorized Version."f35 Nevertheless
the history of the Waldenses, or Vaudois, begins centuries before the
days of Waldo.
There remains to us in the ancient Waldensian language, "The
Noble Lesson" (La Nobla Leycon), written about the year 1100 A.D.,
which assigns the first opposition of the Waldenses to the Church of
Rome to the days of Constantine the Great, when Sylvester was Pope. This
may be gathered from the following extract:
"All the Popes, which have been from Sylvester to the present
time." (Que tuit li papa, que foron de Silvestre en tro en aquest.)f36
Thus when Christianity, emerging from the long persecutions of pagan
Rome, was raised to imperial favor by the Emperor Constantine, the
Italic Church in northern Italy — later the Waldenses — is seen
standing in opposition to papal Rome. Their Bible was of the family of
the renowned Itala. It was that translation into Latin which represents
the Received Text. Its very name "Itala" is derived from the
Italic district, the regions of the Vaudois. Of the purity and
reliability of this version, Augustine, speaking of different Latin
Bibles (about 400 A.D.) says:
"Now among translations themselves the Italian (Itala) is to be
preferred to the others, for it keeps closer to the words without
prejudice to clearness of expression."f37
The old Waldensian liturgy which they used in their services down
through the centuries contained "texts of Scripture of the ancient
Version called the Italick."f38
The Reformers held that the Waldensian Church was formed about 120
A.D., from which date on, they passed down from father to son the
teachings they received from the apostles.f39
The Latin Bible, the Italic, was translated from the Greek not
later than 157 A.D.f40 We are
indebted to Beza, the renowned associate of Calvin, for the statement
that the Italic Church dates from 120 A.D. From the illustrious group of
scholars which gathered round Beza, 1590 A.D., we may understand how the
Received Text was the bond of union between great historic churches. As
the sixteenth century is closing, we see in the beautiful Swiss city of
Geneva, Beza, an outstanding champion of Protestantism, the scholar
Cyril Lucar, later to become the head of the Greek Catholic Church, and
Diodati, also a foremost scholar. As Beza astonishes and confounds the
world by restoring manuscripts of that Greek New Testament from which
the King James is translated, Diodati takes the same and translates into
Italian a new and famous edition, adopted and circulated by the
Leger, the Waldensian historian of his people, studied under Diodati
at Geneva. He returned as pastor to the Waldenses and led them in their
flight from the terrible massacre of 1655.f42
He prized as his choicest treasure the Diodati Bible, the only
worldly possession he was able to preserve. Cyril Lucar hastened to
Alexandria where Codex A, the Alexandrian Manuscript, is lying, and laid
down his life to introduce the Reformation and the Reformers’ pure
light regarding the books of the Bible.
At the same time another group of scholars, bitterly hostile to the
first group, were gathered at Rheims, France. There the Jesuits,
assisted by Rome and backed by all the power of Spain, brought forth an
English translation of the Vulgate. In its preface they expressly
declared that the Vulgate had been translated in 1300 into Italian and
in 1400 into French, "the sooner to shake out of the deceived
people’s hands, the false heretical translations of a sect called
Waldenses." This proves that Waldensian Versions existed in 1300
and 1400. It was the Vulgate, Rome’s corrupt Scriptures against the
Received Text — the New Testament of the apostles, of the Waldenses,
and of the Reformers.
That Rome in early days corrupted the manuscripts while the Italic
Church handed them down in their apostolic purity, Allix, the renowned
scholar, testifies. He reports the following as Italic articles of
faith: "They receive only, saith he, what is written in the Old and
New Testament. They say, that the Popes of Rome, and other priests, have
depraved the Scriptures by their doctrines and glosses."f43
It is recognized that the Itala was translated from the Received Text
(Syrian, Hort calls it) ; that the Vulgate is the Itala with the
readings of the Received Text removed.f44
Four Bibles produced under Waldensian influence touched the history
of Calvin: namely, a Greek, a Waldensian vernacular, a French, and an
Italian. Calvin himself was led to his great work by Olivetan, a
Waldensian. Thus was the Reformation brought to Calvin, that brilliant
student of the Paris University. Farel, also a Waldensian, besought him
to come to Geneva and open up a work there. Calvin felt that he should
labor in Paris. According to Leger, Calvin recognized a relationship to
the Calvins of the valley of St. Martin, one of the Waldensian Valleys.f45
Finally, persecution at Paris and the solicitation of Farel caused
Calvin to settle at Geneva, where, with Beza, he brought out an edition
of the Textus Receptus, — the one the author now uses in his college
class rooms, as edited by Scrivener. Of Beza, Dr. Edgar says that he
"astonished and confounded the world" with the Greek
manuscripts he unearthed. This later edition of the Received Text is in
reality a Greek New Testament brought out under Waldensian influence.
Unquestionably, the leaders of the Reformation, German, French, and
English, were convinced that the Received Text was the genuine New
Testament, not only by its own irresistible history and internal
evidence, but also because it matched with the Received Text which in
Waldensian form came down from the days of the apostles.
The other three Bibles of Waldensian connection were due to three men
who were at Geneva with Calvin, or, when he died, with Beza, his
successor, namely, Olivetan, Leger, and Diodati. How readily the two
streams of descent of the Received Text, through the Greek East and the
Waldensian West, ran together, is illustrated by the meeting of the
Olivetan Bible and the Received Text.
Olivetan, one of the most illustrious pastors of the Waldensian
Valleys, a relative of Calvin, according to Leger,f46
and a splendid student, translated the New Testament into French.
Leger bore testimony that the Olivetan Bible, which accorded with the
Textus Receptus, was unlike the old manuscripts of the Papists, because
they were full of falsification. Later, Calvin edited a second edition
of the Olivetan Bible. The Olivetan in turn became the basis of the
Geneva Bible in English, which was the leading version in England in
1611 when the King James appeared.
Diodati, who succeeded Beza in the chair of Theology at Geneva,
translated the Received text into Italian. This version was adopted by
the Waldenses, although there was in use at that time a Waldensian Bible
in their own peculiar language. This we know because Sir Samuel Morland,
under the protection of Oliver Cromwell, received from Leger the
Waldensian New Testament which now lies in Cambridge University library.
After the devastating massacre of the Waldenses in 1655, Leger felt that
he should collect and give into the hands of Sir Samuel Morland as many
pieces of the ancient Waldensian literature as were available.
It is interesting to trace back the Waldensian Bible which Luther had
before him when he translated the New Testament. Luther used the Tepl
Bible, named from Tepl, Bohemia. This Tepl manuscript represented a
translation of the Waldensian Bible into the German which was spoken
before the days of the Reformation.f47 Of
this remarkable manuscript, Comba says:
"When the manuscript of Tepl appeared, the attention of the
learned was aroused by the fact that the text it presents corresponds
word for word with that of the first three editions of the ancient
German Bible. Then Louis Keller, an original writer, with the decided
opinions of a layman and versed in the history of the sects of the
Middle Ages, declared the Tepl manuscript to be Waldensian. Another
writer, Hermann Haupt, who belongs to the old Catholic party, supported
his opinion vigorously."f48
From Comba we also learn that the Tepl manuscript has an origin
different from the version adopted by the Church of Rome; that it seems
to agree rather with the Latin versions anterior to Jerome, the author
of the Vulgate; and that Luther followed it in his translation, which
probably is the reason why the Catholic Church reproved Luther for
following the Waldenses.f49 Another
peculiarity is its small size, which seems to single it out as one of
those little books which the Waldensian evangelists carried with them
hidden under their rough cloaks.f50 We
have, therefore, an indication of how much the Reformation under Luther
as well as Luther’s Bible owed to the Waldenses.
Waldensian influence, both from the Waldensian Bibles and from
Waldensian relationships, entered into the King James translation of
1611. Referring to the King James translators, one author speaks thus of
a Waldensian Bible they used:
"It is known that among modern versions they consulted was an
Italian, and though no name is mentioned, there cannot be room for doubt
that it was the elegant translation made with great ability from the
original Scriptures by Giovanni Diodati, which had only recently (1607)
appeared at Geneva."f51
It is therefore evident that the translators of 1611 had before them
four Bibles which had come under Waldensian influence: the Diodati in
Italian, the Olivetan in French, the Lutheran in German, and the Genevan
in English. We have every reason to believe that they had access to at
least six Waldensian Bibles written in the old Waldensian vernacular.
Dr. Nolan, who had already acquired fame for his Greek and Latin
scholarship, and researches into Egyptian chronology, and was a lecturer
of note, spent twenty-eight years to trace back the Received Text to its
apostolic origin. He was powerfully impressed to examine the history of
the Waldensian Bible. He felt certain that researches in this direction
would demonstrate that the Italic New Testament, or the New Testament of
those primitive Christians of northern Italy whose lineal descendants
the Waldenses were, would turn out to be the Received Text. He says:
"The author perceived, without any labor of inquiry, that it
derived its name from that diocese, which has been termed the Italick,
as contradistinguished from the Roman. This is a supposition, which
receives a sufficient confirmation from the fact, — that the principal
copies of that version have been preserved in that diocese, the
metropolitan church of which was situated in Milan. The circumstance is
at present mentioned, as the author thence formed a hope, that some
remains of the primitive Italick version might be found in the early
translations made by the Waldenses, who were the lineal descendants of
the Italick Church; and who have asserted their independence against the
usurpation of the Church of Rome, and have ever enjoyed the free use of
the Scriptures. In the search to which these considerations have led the
author, his fondest expectations have been fully realized. It has
furnished him with abundant proof on that point to which his inquiry was
chiefly directed; as it has supplied him with the unequivocal testimony
of a truly apostolical branch of the primitive church, that the
celebrated text of the heavenly witnesses was adopted in the version
which prevailed in the Latin Church, previously to the introduction of
the modern Vulgate."f52
Where did this Vaudois Church amid the rugged peaks of the Alps
secure these uncorrupted manuscripts? In the silent watches of the
night, along the lonely paths of Asia Minor where robbers and wild
beasts lurked, might have been seen the noble missionaries carrying
manuscripts, and verifying documents from the churches in Judea to
encourage their struggling brethren under the iron heel of the Papacy.
The sacrificing labors of the apostle Paul were bearing fruit. His wise
plan to anchor the Gentile churches of Europe to the churches of Judea,
provided the channel of communication which defeated continually and
finally the bewildering pressure of the Papacy. Or, as the learned
Scrivener has beautifully put it:
"Wide as is the region which separates Syria from Gaul, there
must have been in very early times some remote communication by which
the stream of Eastern testimony, or tradition, like another Alpheus,
rose up again with fresh strength to irrigate the regions of the distant
We have it now revealed how Constantine’s Hexapla Bible was
successfully met. A powerful chain of churches, few in number compared
with the manifold congregations of an apostate Christianity, but
enriched with the eternal conviction of truth and with able scholars,
stretched from Palestine to Scotland. If Rome in her own land was unable
to beat down the testimony of apostolic Scriptures, how could she hope,
in the Greek speaking world of the distant and hostile East, to maintain
the supremacy of her Greek Bible? The Scriptures of the apostle John and
his associates, the traditional text, — the Textus Receptus, if you
please, — arose from the place of humiliation forced on it by Origen’s
Bible in the hands of Constantine and became the Received Text of Greek
Christianity. And when the Greek East for one thousand years was
completely shut off from the Latin West, the noble Waldenses in northern
Italy still possessed in Latin the Received Text.
To Christians preserving apostolic Christianity, the world owes the
Bible. It is not true, as the Roman Church claims, that she gave the
Bible to the world. What she gave was an impure text, a text with
thousands of verses so changed as to make way for her unscriptural
doctrines. While upon those who possessed the veritable Word of God, she
poured out through long centuries her stream of cruel persecution. Or,
in the words of another writer:
"The Waldenses were among the first of the peoples of Europe to
obtain a translation of the Holy Scriptures. Hundreds of years before
the Reformation, they possessed the Bible in manuscript in their native
tongue. They had the truth unadulterated, and this rendered them the
special objects of hatred and persecution... Here for a thousand years,
witnesses for the truth maintained the ancient faith... In a most
wonderful manner it (the Word of Truth) was preserved uncorrupted
through all the ages of darkness."f54
The struggle against the Bible adopted by Constantine was won. But
another warfare, another plan to deluge the Latin west with a corrupt
Latin Bible was preparing. We hasten to see how the world was saved from
Jerome and his Origenism.
NOTE: The two great families of Greek Bibles
are well illustrated in the work of that outstanding scholar, Erasmus.
Before he gave to the Reformation the New Testament in Greek, he divided
all Greek MSS. into two classes: those which agreed with the Received
Text and those which agreed with the Vaticanus MS.f55
Apostles (Original).
Received Text (Greek).
Waldensian Bible (Italic).
Erasmus (Received Text Restored).
Luther’s Bible, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, French,
Italian, etc.,
Tyndale, (English) 1535 Rheims (English) from (from Received
King James, 1611 Oxford Movement. (from Received Text). |
Apostates (Corrupted Originals).
Sinaiticus and Vaticanus Bible (Greek).
Vulgate (Latin). Church of Rome’s Bible.
Vaticanus (Greek).
Westcott and Hort (B and Aleph). English Revised 1881.
Dr. Philip Schaff (B and Aleph). American Revised 1901. |
The King James from the Received Text has been the Bible of the
English speaking world for 300 years. This has given the Received Text,
and the Bibles translated from it into other tongues, standing and
authority. At the same time, it neutralized the dangers of the Catholic
manuscripts and the Bibles in other tongues translated from them.